Enjoy these descriptions and photos of some previous tours, representing what you will experience on a Pathway Tour.
Your life will be forever changed and enhanced by the community of intimacy in which we'll encounter magical places, process our experiences, share our stories, and celebrate ourselves as women.
......Won't you join us on one of our amazing odysseys?
Shakespeare's Sisters, September 2014

Sue Monk Kidd and Trisha Sinnott led a Literary Tour to England highlighting the lives and writing of the three Bronte sisters, Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf. We met in the west of England for a visit to the Bronte parsonage and museum in Haworth and a wonderful tour by local Johnnie Briggs. Our private coach carried us to Chawton where Jane Austen lived with her sister and mother and visited their house with the desk where Jane wrote. We left flowers on her grave in Winchester Cathedral and walked to the house where she died. We stopped in Stratford to visit Shakespeare's birthplace and visited the cottage of his wife, Anne Hathaway. The final days of the tour were spent in London where we focused on the Bloomsbury group including writer Virginia Woolf and her artist sister, Vanessa Bell. Highlights included a visit to Monk's House where we saw Virginia Woolf's "Room of One's Own" and had a picnic lunch at Charleston, home of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant.
Click on arrow inside each of the photos below for Slide Show

Ancient Temple to Athena Pronaia where the faithful began their pilgrimage

Sister pilgrims outside the cave of the Midwife Goddess, Eilytheia

High above Athens on the Acropolis

Ancient Temple to Athena Pronaia where the faithful began their pilgrimage
The Mysteries of Ancient Greece
Autumn of 2000 and 2006
There have been two Pathway Tours to Greece and we find that it is one of the places women most long to visit. We included the exploration of one of the earliest sites of women's power, the island of Crete and the labyrinth and Palace of Knossos, the cave of the Midwife Goddess Eilytheia and the convent of Paliani with its miraculous wish-granting Madonna of the Tree. Dr. Trisha Senterfitt partnered with Trisha Sinnott to lead the second tour to Greece. They met on the first Pathway tour to England and France in 1998 and have formed a lasting friendship.
A quick flight back to the mainland and an onward trip to beautiful Delphi allowed time for us to ritually cleanse in the Castalian Springs. The group dressed in ancient pilgrim's white as we slowly processed to the top of the mountain, beginning at the beautiful Tholos Temple, sacred to the Goddess Athena.
Our time in Athens included a visit to the Acropolis and a group ritual to Athena in front of the Parthenon, sacred to the Goddess Athena, a tour of the National Archaelological Museum with its Cycladic art and our final day at Eleusis, site of the ancient Eleusinian mysteries. An optional add-on tour to the island of Santorini provided a relaxing finish to the trip.
The Camino of the Black Madonna:
A Pilgrimage to Spain, Sept. 2008
Erin Parks, a former resident of Madrid, joined Trisha Sinnott to lead this popular tour to Spain. We met in cosmopolitan Barcelona with its fabulous art and architecture including Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Cathedral. The group of 18 women quickly formed new friendships as we sampled the local Cava wine, enjoyed Spanish cuisine and visited several museums.
Our private coach carried us to the sacred city of Montserrat, high above Barcelona, for an overnight stay and time to visit the famous Black Madonna. Our onward journey included time with a second Black Madonna (of the Pillar) in Zaragoza. A highlight of the trip was walking a portion of the famous Camino of Santiago of Compostela while spending two nights along the pilgrim route.
We journeyed onward to Madrid with its famous Prado Museum where Trisha led a tour of the life of the Virgin Mary in art. Erin's knowledge of Madrid and the Spanish language facilitated many rewarding experiences as we visited the Sorolla Museum--the Spanish Impressionist artist's former home and studio--local shops, restaurants and enjoyed sunset walking tours.

Relaxing with a bottle of the local bubbly after a busy day of touring.

On the way to Santo Domingo de la Calzada

Somewhere in the heart of Spain

Relaxing with a bottle of the local bubbly after a busy day of touring.

Display, Cowgirl Museum

Emancipation of women began in the saddle

Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame

Display, Cowgirl Museum
Cowgirls, Caravaggio and Culture:
A trip to Ft Worth, Texas: Oct 20-23, 2010
Our tours are sometimes offered nearer to home, and for shorter periods of time. We've visited Hawaii, New Mexico, Oregon, Kansas City and most recently, we spent a long weekend in Texas.
A rare exhibition at the Kimbell Museum in Ft. Worth highlighted the work of Caravaggio (1571-1610), one of the most intriguing and influential figures in the history of art. Kim Ryan, our co-leader, grew up in Texas and loved guiding the group through the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, historic Bass Hall and the Botanic Gardens. We also had time for conversation, group rituals and visits to some of Kim's favorite local shops and TexMex restaurants.
Our participants embraced "the cowgirl attitude and pioneer spirit, a special American brand of courage to face life head on, live by her own lights and make no excuses."
Dale Evans, 1995 Hall of Fame Honoree